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High ranking officers commonly kept chickens for their own use. The consumption of chickens and eggs provided a welcome change from meals of wild game and tough army beef. Individual soldiers and cooks utilizing company funds could purchase chicke…
This 1885 photograph shows the buildings constructed on this site in 1881. Previous adobe structures, built in 1855, were left standing as rear wings. On the far left was the Commanding Officer's residence. Between 1881 and 1890 it was successivel…
Originally intended as housing for the commanding officer, this building was divided into a duplex when the C.O. chose to remain in another new dwelling. As such, the quarters was completed in 1870 at which time high-ranking officers and …
"French, Spanish and Indian and mixed are very common here and all languages are being jabbered in promiscuous interchange."Charles B. Darwin, Fort Laramie,June 28, 1849Métis (ma-tes') - of mixed race, particularly, mixed Native American a…
I knew little about reading, spelling and arithmetic, while I was well versed in lightning, thunder, vapor and geography. Guy V. Henry Jr. on growing up at frontier military postsWyoming's first public school opened at Fort Laramie in 1852…
With reddened knuckles and rolled up sleeves, an obscure corps served the 19th century army. Beginning in 1802, the army enlisted women aged 13 and older to wash soldiers' laundry. Laundresses received a wage, quarters, fuel, rations, and medical …
In the 1880's the Surgeon General determined that the privy vault - - "That most objectionable and dangerous nuisance" - - was a threat to the soldier's health. His concern had been prompted by the accumulated reports from disgusted post…
The "new" guardhouse, built in 1876 and shown in this 1887 view, was the last and most comfortable of three such structures at Fort Laramie. It was constructed upon the ruins of the original guardhouse, built in 1849-1850. The "new&…
The remains of the first guardhouse constructed in 1850, at Fort Laramie were discovered by workmen in 1960 during restoration of the "new" guardhouse. This site is a good example of the structural changes that occurred during the forts …
The parade ground was the center around which a variety of utilitarian buildings were constructed between 1849 and 1885.Though intended as a center of activities for the post with its parades and drills, Fort Laramie's parade ground was not in con…