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Thirteen thousand dejected Confederate defenders of Fort Donelson huddled here against the cold on February 16, 1862. They had fought long and hard against Grant's forces and did not consider themselves defeated. They had been surrendered against …
Built between 1851 and 1853, this hotel accommodated riverboat travelers before and after the Civil War. Confederate General Buckner and his staff used the hotel as their headquarters during the battle. After Buckner accepted what he called Grant'…
C.S.A.Brigadier General Simon B. Buckner's DivisionColonel John C. Brown's BrigadeEarly on February 15, 1862 General Buckner's Division relieved by the 30th Tennessee, left the line of trenches west of Indian Creek and, headed by the 3d Tennessee,…
C.S.A.Brigadier General Bushrod R. Johnson's DivisionColonel Thomas J. Davidson's BrigadeGreene's BatteryThe 2nd Division of this battery, consisting of three guns, occupied this position astride the Old Forge Road. The guns covered the road and t…
The road heading down the ravine (to your left) is Main street. In 1862, it was Forge Road and key to plans to remedy what Generals Floyd, Pillow, Buckner, and Forrest considered a deteriorating situation. The plan took shape at a late-night counc…
C.S.A.Brigadier GeneralGideon J. Pillow's DivisionColonel John McCausland's Brigade36th Virginia, Lieut. Colonel L. Wilber Reid50th Virginia, Major Charles E. Thorburn20th Mississippi, Major William N. Brown
Proceeding from Cumberland City to F…
C.S.A.Colonel Nathan Bedford Forrest's CavalryOn February 15, 1862, during the attack Forrest's Cavalry covered the extreme left of the Confederate line. The backwater in lick creek and the swampy condition of the flats along the creek interfered …
C.S.A.Brigadier GeneralGideon J. Pillow's DivisionColonel William E. Baldwin's Brigade26th Tennessee, Colonel John M. Lillard26th Mississippi, Colonel Arthur E. Reynolds
Baldwin's command, being part of the 2d Brigade of General Buckner's Divis…
"Fill your cartridge boxes, quick, and get into line; the enemy is trying to escape and he must not be permitted to do so."Col. J.D. Webster, USA
The advantage lay with the Confederates. They could press the attack and possibly destroy Grant's …
"A great shouting was heard behind me, whereupon I sent an orderly to ascertain the cause. The man reported the road and woods full of soldiers apparently in rout. An officer then rode by at full speed, shouting 'All's lost! Save yourselves!'"Brig…