Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: 21043

Page 6 of 6 — Showing results 51 to 55 of 55
This house was built in 1789 by George Ellicott, a Quaker, who was a miller, surveyor, merchant and astronomer. He was friend and advisor to America's first black man of science, Benjamin Banneker, who visited here. He also entertained Chief Littl…
During the Civil War, Baltimore and its environs exemplified the divided loyalties of Maryland's residents. The city had commercial ties to the South as well as the North, and its secessionist sympathies erupted in violence on April 19, 1861, when…
Established 1772 by the three Ellicott brothers from Bucks County, Pennsylvania. They opened the road from here to Baltimore. The B. and O. R. R. was completed to this point May 20, 1830.
The Bay is part of a vast interconnected ecosystem. Everything done on land affects the Bay and the plants and animals that live there. Who is affected by the health of the Chesapeake Bay? The 48 major rivers, 100 smaller rivers, and thousands …
This marker stands on a part of the right of way of the historic and fabled National, or Cumberland Road. Commencing in 1806 it was built in segments by city, state, federal, and private means and was the first great commercial and travel link fro…