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Page 67 of 165 — Showing results 661 to 670 of 1648
Erected in Honor of Parke County Veterans
Here unknown but not forgotten lie the Embattled Defenders of Fort Harrison September 3, - 5, 1812
Dedicated to the memory of the courageous pioneers who so successfully defended Fort Harrison in the activities which served as a Prologue to The War of 1812
This stone marks the site, and commemorates the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Heroic Defense, of Fort Harrison by a small body of United States Soldiers, assisted by the settlers against the Indians. September 4, 1812 The Fort was built …
This monument is erected in appreciation and dedicated to the memory of All Veterans who servedour country in War and Peace
Side One This bountiful area on the Wabash River was occupied early by American Indians. French and later Americans recognized this strategic area called terre haute (high land). At least one Wea village was present in area by late 1700s. Wea C…
In 1892, near this site, Union Hospital was founded by Leo J. Weinstein, M.D., and Benjamin F. Swafford, M.D., with the support of local citizens. This hospital established Terre Haute's first School of Nursing in 1900.
U.S. Highway 40, the old National Road which opened the west for settlement, and U.S. Highway 41, a major north-south route, were designated part of the original federal highway system in 1926. Their intersection in Terre Haute at Wabash Avenue an…
Home of early business and civic leader who built his fortune on honesty, frugality and hard work. He used his wealth generously for the care of orphans, medicine for the sick and the education of youth.
In Sacred Honor Lest We Forget
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