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"We traveled up Raft River 16 miles. The road, water and grass, good. Entirely destitute of timber, except a little willow on the streams and the wild sage." — Chester Ingersoll, Aug 13, 1847
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After wheat crops flourished in the dry farm area, Idahome sprang up here in 1916 as a railroad terminal. Irrigation projects boosted its Economy.
When wheat farms disappeared and highway traffic replaced rail service here, Idahome became a g…
Early California and Oregon Trail Ruts — left by thousands of emigrant wagons as they ascended this bluff — still are visible below this viewpoint.
In 1859 F.W. Lander's wagon road builders dug and improved grade that shows more cle…
The Indian woman who guided the Lewis and Clark Expedition through this territory in 1805, was born near this spot in 1786.
Leading packhorses, the Lewis and Clark Expedition followed their Shoshone guide Toby up Tower Creek on August 31, 1805. The Indian road went northwest from here across the foothills to the North Fork of the Salmon.
Behind the Corps of Discovery…
Clark's "Pirimids" are lessons in erosion and deposition. Looks closely at the columns to see layers of sediment: sandstone, gravel, and larger rocks that were eroded from ancient hills and deposited in valleys millions of years ago. Time and pres…
This cabin was built by Erle Embley. Erle was born in 1885 and raised in Michigan. He came to the Tower Creek (originally "Boyle Creek") in 1906 and worked as a ranch hand. Erle met and married his wife Lula Thornburg and eventually purchased a ra…
"On August 21, 1805, Captain Clark and party camped near this spot. Clark wrote "crossed the river and went over a point of high land and struck it again near a bluff on the right side...those two men joined me at my camp on the right side below t…
Arriving at the headwaters of Lemhi River, a company of Latter-Day Saint men who had been called to establish a mission among the Indians proceeded approximately 30 miles downstream, selected a site for a fort and a tract of farming land, On June …
On April 7, 1855, at the conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Pres. Brigham Young called 27 elders to found a mission among the Indians of the Salmon River Country, Oregon Territory, with Thomas S. Smith in charge. Travel…