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Honoring the men and women of Adams County who served in the Armed Forces of The United States World War I ——— World War II Korean ————— Vietnam and all other conflicts
( Front ) Argonne —— ∮—— Cantigny Allen County and Fort Wayne their Tribute to the Glory of their Sons Loyalty — Courage Sacrifice — Victory 1917 —— 1918 ( Obverse ) Be…
In Memory of the Revolutionary Heroes who rest in Blackford County David Kirkpatrick · John Mills John Saxon · John Twibell · Thomas Miles Erected by The Nancy Knight Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution 177…
((( Center Panel ))) Dedicated to the Honor and Sacrifice of our men and women of Blackford Countywho served our Country in World War II ——— 1941 — ★ — 1945 ——— in Honor of those who…
(( Front Center Panel )) To honor the men and the women of Blackford County who fought in Korea and Vietnam and to the heroes who gave their lives on land,on the sea, and in the sky that mankind might live in freedom we humbly dedicate this mem…
(( Front ("A - C") - - Side )) In Honor of All Civil War Veterans of Blackford County ( Row One ) Henry B. Adams · Watson Adams · William W. Adams · David V. Addison · Philip H. Albright · Elijah H. Alex…
(( Front of Base )) "Lest We Forget"Those from Blackford County who answered their Country's call in the World War,Apr. 6th 1917 to Nov. 11th 1918. "Our Boys" (( Obverse of Base )) When the Service Flag has faded, and the hands that it…
( East Side - Memorial ) ( Stone Etching ) In loving memory of the women of 1861 to 1865whose courage and heroism at home were a no lessworthy sacrifice upon the alter of Liberty. ( Bronze Plaque ) Steuben County's Roll of Honor &md…
Albion - Noble County Seat The Center - later named Albion was chosen the Seat of Noble County Indiana by the vote of its citizens in August 1846. Since that time three courthouses have been located on this square. The first which opened…
This tablet has been placed here by the Veterans Organizations of Noble County Indiana, to honor the Veterans of past wars, "Who gave their last full measure of devotion". May 29, 1988
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