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In honor and memory of all men and women who have served and are now serving our country in times of peace and war. And to those who paid the supreme sacrifice so that we might enjoy freedom. Their spirit, devotion and love of country will be fore…
Marking Old Lower Landing where in 1828 - age 19 - Abraham Lincoln with Allen Gentry made his first flatboat trip to New Orleans. He saw slaves sold and said. "If I ever get a chance to hit that thing, I'll hit it hard". In a very real sense of…
In October 1844 Abraham Lincoln gave a speech at Spencer County Courthouse to promote Henry Clay, Whig presidential candidate. Lincoln, during his first trip to Indiana in 14 years, was a guest at the Tavern. Site first marked October 28, 1926.
brother of Robert Fulton, inventor of the steamboat, is buried in Troy Cemetery near this spot. He was fatally injured while felling trees to build the family home on the site called Fulton Hill. The Fulton family owned extensive acreage in Perry …
600 yards west, intersection of the baseline and the second principal meridian, the lines fixed in 1805 by Ebenezer Buckingham, to govern land survey in Indiana under the Ordinance of 1785.
(( Left Panel )) Honor To our Civil War Veterans ( - - Art Work - - ) (( Center Panel )) In honored memory of Floyd County men who gave their lives for our Country Dedicated by Hobart Beach Post 1693 Veterans of Foreign Wars 194…
On August 19,1988, this beautiful court house square was host to 12,500 residents and visitors gathered to witness the first rally of the successful presidential campaign of George Herbert Walker Bush and Huntington's favorite son and 44th Vice Pr…
The Huntington Courthouse Square Historic DistrictListed on the National Register of Historic PlacesBy the U.S. Department of the InteriorSeptember 4, 1992"Law is the Technique of Justice"Publius Iuventius Celsus
In honored memory of Floyd County men who gave their lives for our country 1950 —— The Korean Conflict —— 1955 (Row One) - Edward C. Andres · John H. Berryman · William S. Blasdel · Marvin L. Dav…
In honored memory of Floyd County Servicemen who sacrificed their lives for World Peace SGT. Christopher K. Hilgert U.S. Army · Aug. 8, 1993 · Somalia SGT. Steven P. Mennemeyer US. Army · Aug. 8, 2006 · Iraq …
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