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( Panel - - W. W. I - "A - Z" ) In memory of Madison County Veterans who paid the Supreme Sacrifice in W. W. I ( Row One ) Carl Abel · Sim Anderson · Henry Auler · Clarence Austin · Forrest Baker · Benja…
Born in Ohio 1842; family moved to Kosciusko County, Indiana 1846. Bierce lived and worked in Elkhart 1860-1861. Union officer wounded in Civil War. Moved to California 1866; became nationally prominent as journalist, short story writer, and criti…
The boundary between Indiana and Michigan territories was established in 1805. Just before Indiana became a state in 1816, the line was moved ten miles north to give Indiana frontage on Lake Michigan.
This stone marks the site of the first school house in Elkhart County built of oak logs in 1830
Dedicated to the Memoryof thosewho served their Country1977
( Front Plaque ) ( Bronze "Crest" of the "Spanish War Veterans 1898 - 1902" ) ( Obverse Plaque ) ( Likeness of the Original Memorial ) Original Spanish American War Memorial On 24 August 1921, the surviving Veterans of the Spanish A…
Two story frame of Federal style. Built by Jonathan Banes in 1848. First known as the firm of Jenks Banes & Calvin Jones. Harry & Alvin Blacklidge 1852-57 Mahlon & Milton Gordon 1857-92 Wm. N. Gordon started banking business in west half 191…
This plaque marks the western border of the twelve mile cession negotiated by Governor William Henry Harrison with the Miami, Potawatomi, and Delawares, Treaty of Fort Wayne, September 30, 1809.
1822 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1922 Colonel Thomas HendricksVeteran of the War of 1812Founded this Town in 1821He built the first cabin and donated one hundred acres of ground to the new town - - - + - + - - - On June 14, 1822 El…
Erected 1831 by Oliver H. Smith. Later home of Caleb B. Smith, Secretary of Interior under Lincoln and Grand Master of Indiana Masons. Restored 1941 as home for local Masonic bodies.
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