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Page 97 of 165 — Showing results 961 to 970 of 1648
Erected for Grant CountyVietnam Veterans(obelisk front)Grant County KIA'sWilliam McKinley Berry · Mark Ryan Black · Ralph W. Blackerby · Rollie Lee Bolden · Emmett Lee Booth · Steve Brandenburg · William F…
(center panel)World War II1941 - 1945 All Gave SomeSome Gave All(left panel)** The Supreme Sacrifice **(left column)Edward Leroy Addison · Bruce Adkins · Donald Perry Adkins · George Corwin Allen · Robert Gerald Alle…
(Center Panel) Korean War In loving Memory and Appreciation for the Men & Women of Grant Countywho served in the Korean Conflict 1950 - - - - 1953 ( Left Panel ) Those who made the Supreme Sacrifice Ezekiel Davis, Jr · Ralph …
( Top - Center Panel ) Forever Honoring our heroes who gave their lives - - and Dedicated to the men and women of Wabash County who served their Country in armed conflict Erected by the grateful Citizens of Wabash County A. D. 1961 Spon…
Marion Boys who gave their lives in the World War ( Row One ) Vaugh Beekman · Melvin Bookins · Chester Biggs · Victor Baughman · Fred Button · Ashton Baldwin · Harry Lee Craig · William Cromwe…
With the faith and courage of their forefathers who made possible the freedom of these United States The Boy Scouts of America Dedicate this copy of the Statue of Liberty as a Pledge of everlasting Fidelity and Loyalty The Crusade to S…
( Top - Large Plaque ) Miami County War Dead World War II Forever Honour'd - - - Forever Mourn'd 1941 - - - - 1945 ( Row One ) Alonzo G. Albert · Russell E. Allen · Ralph E. Anderson · Benjamin E. Bargerhuff &mi…
"They died that others might live Free" ( Korea ) ( Row One ) Edward F. Brakes · Weldon E. Bucher · John M. Cain · Donald A. Day · Everett S. Johnson · Bobby G. Leedy ( Row Two ) Jack H. Lewis &m…
( Front Side ) ( Engrossed ?Shield' -and- ?Seals of U.S. Armed Services' ) 1990 - - - - 1991 In Honor of the men and women of Grant County who served in the Persian Gulf ( Obverse Side ) ( Engrossed ?Shield' -and- ?Seals of U.S…
In Honorof all the men and women who served in the Armed Forces - - - - - - - -Grant County AMVETSPost #5
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