Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: 01585

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
1818-1893 "Labor unceasingly until every woman will possess equal and full justice in all things." An early advocate and leader in the long struggle for Equal Rights, Lucy Stone was born in a farmhouse 0.3 mile from this point on Coy H…
Lucy Stone's determined vision for girls' and women's equality was incubated in her home at this site. A young girl who resented her mother's life of drudgery and no respect, Lucy helped with the housework and resolved to change the way women were…
Here stood Fort Gilbert, built about 1688 to protect the second settlement of Brookfield from Indian raids.
Settled in 1660 by men from Ipswich on Indian lands called Quaboac. Attacked by Indians in 1675. One garrison house defended to the last. Reoccupied twelve years later.
This road is the first mail route in North America, established in 1673 by King Charles II of England. In 1767, while Benjamin Franklin was Postmaster General, mileage was marked out with stone markers from Boston to New York City.