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Robert Newman
Sexton of this church
who hung the lanterns in the Belfry
April 18, 1775
to warn the Patriots of the
British march on Concord is honored
here by this tablet erected by
Daughters of the American Revolution
Merchant Vestryman and Compatriot of
Paul Revere
on April 18, 1775 called
Robert Newman
from his house on Salem St. to Christ church and lest the British disturb him, locked the church doors from outside while the lanterns were being displ…
Throughout Copp's Hill Burying Ground are examples of tombs and monuments constructed to commemorate the dead. Table tombs or table-stones are elaborate markers of a grave's location. Usually there is a sepulcher underneath the marker holding the …
This graceful home was built around 1712 and managed to survive when all its neighbors—including the house that Ben Franklin owned next door—were torn down. This was the home of one of Boston's "substantial mechanicks," Ebenezer Clough…
To those men of the North Endwho defended with their livesthe integrity of the Union in theAmerican Civil War1861 - 1865Thomas Cass 1821 - 1862Born in Ireland, he attached himself devotedly to the ideals of his adopted country at the breaking out …
The Salutation TavernOpened in 1662, stood on the north east corner ofSalutation and North Streetsadjoining this MallIt was the meeting place ofThe Committee of Safetyand in it was plannedThe Boston Tea PartyHere Samuel Adams, Josiah Quincy Jr., J…
The first building on this site wasThe New North Meeting Houseerected in 1714 and enlarged in 1730At the request of General Washington, March 28, 1776immediately following the evacuation of Boston by the BritishThe Reverend Andrew Eliot, then mini…
John Winthrop 1588 - 1649In the early autumn of 1630, Winthrop and his company landed at the foot of Prince Street from Charleston. Thus was begun the settlement of Boston. The spirit of Winthrop is forever a challenge to America:"To avoid shipwre…
Sir William Phips 1651 - 1695First Royal Governor of Massachusetts under the Charter of 1691. One of twenty-six brothers and sisters. A poor boy apprenticed to a ship's carpenter in the North End. In 1687 he recovered from a Spanish galleon sunken…
John Tileston 1735 - 1826Active patriot during the Revolution. Beloved master for more than seventy years of the North Writing School, now the Eliot School and teacher of many famous Bostonians. He lived and died on Margaret Street.To Those Men of…