You searched for Postal Code: 02139
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Historic PlaqueOn this spot stoodJake & Earl's Dixie BBQA favorite hangout of local patriotsDestroyed by a regiment of British troops inthe spring of 1775.
Officially not on the Freedom Trail, it was still one of Paul Revere's favorite stops fo…
From this siteon October 9, 1876the first two-way long distancetelephone conversation was carriedon for three hours. From here inCambridgeport Thomas G. Watsonspoke over a telegraph wire toAlexander Graham Bellat the office of the Walworth Mfg. Co…
Site of the factory of Charles DavenportPioneer of railroad car developmentBuilder of carriages and stages1832 - 1857
Constructed November 1775 by theContinental Army underGeneral George Washington
This fort was used during theSiege of Bostonand helped force itsevacuation by the British