Historical Marker Search

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Albert F. Colburn commissioned George P. Loveland & Co to construct this high-style Queen Anne house in 1891 on land subdivided from the estate of Deacon Oliver Hardy. Colburn was the proprietor and treasurer of Wait's River Paper Company, organiz…
Located 100 yards beyond this marker is the site where James Wilson had his home and workshop. Between 1808 and 1810 Wilson made and sold the first terrestrial and celestial globes in North America. Born in Londonderry, N.H., in 1763, Wilson was a…
James Wilson, a Bradford farmer and self-taught engraver, in early 1800's made and sold the first geographical globes in the U.S. Adm. Chas. Clark, born here in 1843, was Captain of the "Oregon", which sailed around the Cape Horn to defeat Spanish…
Born Bradford, Vermont August 10, 1843 Died Long Beach California Oct. 1. 1922Entered Annapolis Naval Academy Sept. 29, 1860With Farragut Battle Mobile Bay Aug 5, 1864Race of U.S.S. Oregon from California to Florida Mar. 16-May 26, 1898Battle at …