Historical Marker Search

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Their deeds enrichedand glorified our nation. This gate is dedicatedin commemoration ofthe heroic service performed atThe Battle of Springfieldduring the war forAmerican Independenceby the soldiers whose remains areresting within this sacred tr…
To the memory ofPatriots who fell at SpringfieldJune 23, 1780
American Colonel EliasDayton ordered a 4 poundcannon to fire east onMorris Ave. at theadvancing enemy. TheBritish were driven backand retreated during theevening of June 7, 1780.
Who commanded the 2nd Rhode Island Infantryat the Battle of Springfield23rd June, 1780. Headquarters, Rampaugh. 28th June, 1780. Sir, —— The gallant behaviour of Col. Angell's regiment on the 23rd inst., at Springfield, reflects the…
Site of Church used asstorehouse in Revolution.Destroyed by British inBattle of Springfield.Present church built 1791.
This plaque is dedicated tothose brave men ofthe New Jersey Militia and Continental Armywho fought the Battle of SpringfieldJune 7 to June 23, 1780. The battle took place between the bridge crossingnear Morris Avenue and the east branch of the …
(Upper Plaque):This property has beenplaced on theNational Registerof Historic Placesby the United StatesDepartment of the Interior (Lower Plaque):The Cannon Ball HouseFarmstead and dwelling built about 1740. Cannonball pierced the west wall du…
Here, June 23, 1780, 1500 Americans under Greene and Dayton, were attacked by 5000 British and Hessians under Clinton and Knyphausen enroute to capture stores at Morristown. The British burned Springfield, but were defeated.
(Front of monument):The first British advance was stayed at the bridge east of the village, June 7, 1780. The Battle of Springfield was fought June 23rd. The Americans under General Greene on that day near the stream west of the church checked the…