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Dedicated to all men and women who are recipients of this nation's oldest military decoration "The Purple Heart" My stone is red for the blood they shed.The medal I bear is my country's way to show they care.If I could be seen by all mankind maybe…
July 1-29, and October 9 - November 27, 1780, Washington had headquarters here at the house of Colonel Theunis Dey. The main army encamped along Totowa Heights.
The Mansion ofColonel Theunis DeyThe Headquarters ofGeneral WashingtonJuly ~ Oct ~ Nov ~ 1780
Acquired and restored 1930-1934 byThe Passaic County Park CommissionMarked by Capt. Abraham Godwin ChapterNew Jersey Society S.A.R. ? ? ? Oct 8, 1934
July 1 - 29, and October 9 -November 27, 1780, Washing-ton had headquarters here atthe house of Colonel TheunisDey. The main army encamp-ed along Totowa Heights.
October 9 - November 27, 1780,the patriot army extend-ed along this site which hadalso been used in July.Washington came from hisheadquarters in Preaknessto Totowa and visited theVan Houtens.