You searched for Postal Code: 07712
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In MemoriamS.S. Morro CastleSeptember 8, 1934This monument is dedicated to the 137 passengers and crew of the S.S. Morro Castle who lost their lives on September 8, 1934 when the ship burned off the Jersey Coast when returning from Havana, Cuba to…
In MemoryOf Those Who FoughtinDefence of the Union.
War of Rebellion1861-1865
Erected byC.K. Hall PostNo. 41 G.A.R. Dept. of N.J.And WomensRelief Corp No. 25
Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States, used the entire fifth floor of this building for his executive offices during the late summer and early fall of 1916 while he vacationed at Shadow Lawn, the Summer White House at West Long Branc…