Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: 08006

Showing results 1 to 10 of 11
What am I looking at?The shelter in front of you and the equipment attached to the jetty behind you are components of a gauging station.The gauge is equipped to measure the amount of water flowing into and out of Barnegat Bay through Barnegat Inle…
When soil conditions are relatively stable on the barrier island, tree seedlings may begin to grow in the moist protected hollows behind the dunes. These maritime forests must not only take root in constantly shifting sands, but also survive the r…
Take a walk back through time when wooden schooners sailed the seas . . . When Cornelius May christened Barnegat Inlet "Barendegat" or "Breakers Inlet" in 1614, a vast maritime forest covered the barrier islands of New Jersey. Today, only small…
The sandy beach is home to breeding pairs of piping plovers (Charadrius melodus). They often follow each around the beach - one watching for predators while the other feeds. When searching for food, they will run a short distance, pause momentaril…
The tides and the sandy seashore provide plenty of food for numerous shorebirds. Many different birds coexist here because they feed on slightly different marine and sand dwelling creatures. The body structure and behavior of each species is adapt…
Primary seacoast lights were located to warn mariners of their proximity to land, areas of danger, and to help set their course. Sandy Hook and Navesink Twin Lights marked the entrance to New York Harbor. Cape May and Cape Henlopen Lighthouses mar…
This monument is a memorial to the U.S. Merchant Marine of World War II and to the Merchant Mariners and Navy Armed Guard who served together aboard cargo ships, troop transports, and oil tankers that delivered war material to our troops overseas.…
After a long journey across the Atlantic, mariners bound for New York Harbor welcomed the sight of the Barnegat Lighthouse lighting the way. It was constructed in 1834 as a navigational aid to guard Barnegat Inlet. Twenty years later, it was repor…
Built 1857-58 by the Federal Lighthouse Board.First Lighted January 1, 1859. The present lighthouse replaced an earlier lighthouse built in 1834. The height of the light above sea level is 165 feet. Barnegat Lighthouse was built as a 1st order …
built this lighthouse in 1858.During the Civil War he commandedthe Army of the Potomac, fromGettysburg to Appomattox (1863 - 1865)under Lt. Gen. U. S. Grant. [ Upper Marker: ]Aportrait in bronzeofthe creator ofBarnegatLighthouseLt. GeneralGeorg…