You searched for Postal Code: 08055
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Erected by Medford Township in honor of themen and women who served their country1941 ? ? ? ? ? in World War II ? ? ? ? ? 1945
Abate, Canio · Abate, Leonard. · Adams, David S. · Adams, Gene L. · Adkins, William &midd…
Erected by Medford Township in honor of themen and women who served their country1950 ? ? ? ? ? in the Korean War ? ? ? ? ? 1955
Abrams, Harvey · Adams, David E. · Anderson, Joseph K. · Bakley, Henry T. · Barnes, Oli…
Built in 1785, thispatterned glazed brickhomestead is typical ofseveral Wilkins properties ofthe period in this area.1847-1997
Originally on Main Street, thishouse was used from about 1800to mass produce cut nailsusing Mark Reeve's horsepowered machinery.1847-1997
Built by Lester Gager in 1857at the corner of DixontownRoad, the school was movedhere by the township in 1976.Former students called itthe "Knowledge Box".
This was the head of navigationon the Rancocas. Before 1800iron and charcoal were unloadedhere from wagon to barge forshipment to Philadelphia.1847-1997
Now called Sandy Run. Thistypical colonial glazed brickfront home was built in 1772.Restoration was faithfullyaccomplished in recent years.1847-1997
In 1920 Lake Pine was acranberry bog andTaunton Blvd was a sand road.This log cabin, built in 1926,was converted from a summercottage to year-round, c. 1950.
This, the second oldest home inMedford, was built in 1732. TheFlemish Bond brick homeremained in the Wilkins familyuntil c. 1915, when it was soldto the English Setter Club.1847-1997
Built by Ephraim Strattonc. 1830 in the style of atownhouse at Crossroads, whichwas the hub of Upper Evesham.Tolls were collected here onthe Medford-Mt. Holly Turnpike.1847-1997