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For God and CountryEgbert Square named in honor of Arthur Stanley EgbertSea 2C USNRF who died in the sinking of the USS President Lincoln on May 31, 1918, and dedicated to the men and women of Port Richmond and Graniteville who devotedly served th…
Faber Park and Pool is located on what was once the north shore home of the Faber family. Their lead pencil manufacturing company was begun by Caspar Faber in Stein, Germany in 1761. A century later, his descendant Eberhard Faber (d.1879) came to …
In 1665, a small group of the first Dutch settlers to come to the shores of this island banded together for the worship of Almighty God. Through three centuries faithful men and women have continued this ministry to the community, thenation, and t…
In honor ofFive Brothersfrom Staten Island who servedin the Revolutionary War
Joshua Mersereau, 3rd Quarter Master GeneralCol. Jacob MersereauCornelius Mersereau, soldierCapt. John MersereauPaul Mersereau, sailor
Erected by the Staten Island…
Built in 1845 in Greek Revival style, this is the third church on the site. The first, a hexagonal wooden building erected in 1714, was destroyed by the British during the Revolution. The original license to the Dutch congregation signed by Govern…
of the Dutch settlers ofthe North Shore until 1696around whichPort Richmondwas built.
On this site stood theSt. James Hotelbuilt shortly afterthe American Revolution.Aaron Burr died hereSeptember 14, 1836
Originally marked byStaten Island Chapter NSDARFebruary 1932 ? Replaced September 1976
Gen. William SmallwoodRouted British Provincialsat Decker's Ferry Nearby——————————This Memorialerected byStaten Island ChapterDaughters of the American RevolutionJune 1930Rededicated Apri…