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Burial Ground. 1816-ca 1861. Bequest by John Rogers provided this quarter acre exclusively for burials of persons of color.
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Washington Irving based the
character Ichabod Crane in
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
on Kinderhook school
teacher Jesse Merwin.
"The Whigs would hardly believe that a much larger portion of my time is taken up with devising ways & means to multiply the quantity & improve the quality of manure than in forming political plans or any such Matter."
Martin Van Buren, 1843
As …
Early Reformed Dutch church parsonage
used as a stockade during the
French & Indian and Revolutionary Wars.
Has been placed on the
National Register
of Historic Places
by the United States
Department of the Interior
Brother of
Pres. Martin van Buren
About 1861, this white mulberry tree (morus alba) was planted across the carriage path from the large sycamore tree. The tree flourished for just under 150 years until an ice storm over this past winter (2012) caused the tree to collapse.
The N…
Martin Van Buren enjoyed his life at Lindenwald immensely, especially horseback riding. Located to your right is a replica of the marble mounting block President Van Buren used to get on and off his favorite Thoroughbred, Duroc. Van Buren would be…
The view before you is much like the one Martin Van Buren enjoyed during the last 21 years of his life. Although in the course of his political career Van Buren traveled widely and kept company with heads of state and the foremost political figure…
Albany to New York. Weeklymail service establishedon horseback. Passengerservice by covered wagonsand four horses in 1786.
Prior to 1667known as "Major Abram's(Staats) Kill" and "ThirdFalls." In 1823 calledStuyvesant Falls" and after1845 "Kinderhook Creek"