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←Timothy MurphyRevolutionary War HeroGov. William C. Bouck,Gov. N.Y. State 1843, 1844In Middleburgh Cemetery
1777 Commemorating The Upper Fort which stood on the knoll 1966 Ft. S. 50? E. of this marker. Here on Oct. 17th 1780 was fired the first gun which signalled a warning enabling the fort below to prepare for the successful defense against the attack…
Site of HomeTimothy MurphyWhere He Lived During 1784And Died June 22, 1818,Age 67; Revolutionary Scout
Site OfMiddle FortFortified Aug. 13, 1777To Protect InhabitantsDuring Invasion ofBrant and Johnson
· 1777·This Boulder MarksThe Site East of WhichStood "The Middle Fort"(Fort Defiance) One OfThe Bulwarks Of DefenceOf The Settlers Of TheSchoharie Valley DuringThe Revolutionary Period
Erected By Schoharie ChapterDaughters Of The …
Keyserkill to Catskill Creekand Hudson River, connectingHudson, Schoharie, Mohawk,Delaware and Susquehannavalleys and the west.