Historical Marker Search

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Honors Lt. William Bruenig killed in a flight training accident 8-28-1942 Stewart Field after bailing USMA Aviation Cadet to safety.
of the Presbyterian Church in1764, here lie many earlyresidents including Sgt. ElihuSpear killed at the end of theRevolutionary War, one dayafter peace was declared.
The route traveled by the52 American hostages fromStewart Airport to WestPoint after their releasefrom captivity in IranJanuary 25, 1981.
Here, Oct. 1777, Gen. George Clinton rallied troops after fall of Forts Clinton and Montgomery, to defend Hudson Valley from British
Newburgh and New Windsor were occupied by troops under Washington, waiting for the end of the war of American Revolution
Here Lyesthe Mortal Remains of anUnknown SoldierFirst interred in theRevolutionary WarGraveyard at West Point.Moved here in 1965 againto rest among his comrades.
Historic New WindsorNearby stood the Thomas Ellison house, used as headquarters by General George Washington at various times during the years of 1779-1781.Also quartered here was Alexander Hamilton and here was planned the attack on Stony Point w…
Headquarters SiteNearby stood the home of Col. Thomas Ellison, used by Gen. Washington as his Hqts. from June-July 1779 & Dec. 1780 to June 1781, here the attack on Stony Point was planned. New WindsorTown Historian
Glass Works SiteNewburgh Glass Co 1867 72Patented Glass From RockQuarried at Butter HillProducts Included BottlesPocket Flasks and InsulatorsHudson ValleyBottle Club
Built in 1755, by William Edmonston, used as a hqts for General's St. Clair and Gates in 1782-83 and as a medical staff headquarters during the army encampments at New Windsor