Historical Marker Search

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Mary Morris Burnett the youngest daughter of Cornelius and Caroline Nichols Burnett, was born in Oberlin Ohio. She graduated from Oberlin College in 1886 at the age of nineteen. Ms. Burnett moved to Little Rock Arkansas where she accepted a teachi…
Erastus Granger Seneca Indian Agent, judge, Post Master & Collector of the Port, lived here 1806-1826. He rallied Seneca to defend Buffalo during War of 1812.
On this day of May 30, 1991, The Semper Fidelis Post #356 of the American Legion of Buffalo, New York, humbly dedicated this monument in honor of all men and women of Erie County who have lost their lives while defending our country in all wars. M…
To preserve the memories and incidents of our association in the Great War
1881This monument honors the soldiers and sailors buried here who fought to save the Union, 1861-1865.
[header]United Spanish War Veterans [tablet]"To Honor the Memory of Our Dead" [base]Cuba, Porto Rico, Philippines, China, 1898-1902.
Storming Fort Wagner. African Americans have fought in each of America's great conflicts, the early colonial wars, the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. However, until the Civil War, African Americans were never offically included in the mili…
Burial place of Millard Fillmore, Samuel Wilkeson, Red Jacket and other famous Buffalonians, including veterans of seven wars. Site of homestead of Erastus Granger, first Indian Agent.
Sa-Co-ye-Wat-Ha (He keeps them awake)Died at Buffalo Creek January 20, 1830 aged 78 years."When I am gone and my warnings are no longer heeded, the graft and avarice of the white man will prevail. My heart fails me when I think of my people, so so…