You searched for Postal Code: 15530
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Active in and arrested during the Whiskey Rebellion - 1794
Member of the PA. Assembly - 1798
Commissioned Associate Judge of Somerset Co. 1800. Served 20 years
Commissioned Brigadier General of PA. Militia May 9, 1800
Served in the War of …
One of Pennsylvania's most noted jurists and lawyers, was born here Jan. 10, 1810. State Supreme Court Justice, 1851-57; U.S. Attorney-General, 1857-60. Later life spent at York as a famous lawyer. Died Aug. 19, 1883.
This area was a center of protest during the Whiskey Rebellion. A riot occurred at the Berlin schoolhouse in June 1794. In September, according to local historians, Robert Philson raised a liberty pole at his log store on the square; he advised ci…
In honor of the men and women who serve in the armed forces of our country honorably preserving our freedom and our way of life.