You searched for Postal Code: 17331
Showing results 1 to 10 of 58
Dedicated to the men
and women who gave the
ultimate sacrifice and
to all that have served
and are serving.
Birthplace of John Luther Long
A distinguished son of Hanover, Pennsylvania
Lawyer, Playwright, Novelist
Author of Madame Butterfly
Source of famous Puccini opera
and many other stories and plays.
The community erects this tablet
Headquarters Army of the Potomac moved from Middleburg to Taneytown. First Corps marched from Emmittsburg to Marsh Run, third Corps from Taneytown to Bridgeport. Fifth Corps from Liberty via Johnsville Union Bridge and Union to Union Mills. Sixth …
First Corps marched from Marsh Run, Eleventh Corps from Emmittsburg to Gettysburg. Second Corps from Uniontown via Taneytown to near Gettysburg. Third Corps from Bridgeport via Emmitsburg to the field of Gettysburg. Fifth Corps from Union Mills vi…
1839 —— 1876
Killed in Battle of Little Big Horn River, Montana, in Sioux Indian War.
Was Brig. Gen. Commander of 1st, 5th, 6th, 7th, Michigan Cavalry Regiments and Pennington's Battery at the Battle of Hanover June 30, 1863.
In the 18…
At approximately 8:00 a.m. the head of Kilpatrick's Union Cavalry Division halted on Frederick Street. When Reverend William K. Zieber, pastor of Emmanuel Reformed Church learned about the hungry cavalrymen, he encouraged the crowd of townspeople …
First Corps marched from Marsh Run, Eleventh Corps from Emmittsburg to Gettysburg. Second Corps from Uniontown via Taneytown to near Gettysburg. Third Corps from Bridgeport via Emmitsburg to the field of Gettysburg. Fifth Corps from Union Mills vi…
Headquarters Army of the Potomac moved from Middleburg to Taneytown. First Corps marched from Emmittsburg to Marsh Run, third Corps from Taneytown to Bridgeport. Fifth Corps from Liberty via Johnsville Union Bridge and Union to Union Mills. Sixth …
In the interest of the preservation of wildlife we here dedicate this memorial to the ill-fated passenger pigeon which from earliest pioneer days until the 1880s flocked to these Pigeon Hills. This migratory bird, now extinct, was once so plentifu…
For Those Who Served inPeace and War