You searched for Postal Code: 19518
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Established 1725 as Oley; name changed to Exeter, 1742. Present stone meeting house built 1759 near site of two previous log structures. Buried here are members of the Boone, Ellis, Hughes, Lee, and Lincoln families. Meetings discontinued 1899; bu…
First European settlers in present Berks County on land granted by William Penn, 1704-5. The home of Mounce and Ingeborg Jones, built 1716 and the oldest house in the county, stands at the opposite end of the river bridge.
Departed this lifeApril 7, 1776
Early settler andbuilderVillage once knownas Warrensburg
Site of 1st. church in Berks Co.Founded by Swedish Lutherans1720Changed to Prot. Episcopal1760
Wealthy and influential colonial settlers.George Douglass built his family mansion hereand also the White Horse Tavern in 1765.This stage coach stop was of historicalimportance during the Revolutionary War.Douglassville was named for him.
In Me…
DiedNovember 16th 1761Ironmaster atHopewell [Furnace] and Birdsboronamed for him
In memory ofWilliam Bird, Esq.Who departed this LifeNovember the 16th,1761Aged 55. Years.
In memory ofAnthony SadowskiBorn c.1669 in PolandDied April 22, 1736
Whether or not he opened an Indian trading post on the shores of Lake Erie, and gave his name to Sandusky, Ohio, here lies the greatest Polish frontiersman of colonial times, …
Here once stood the Beaterio-Colegio de Santa Catalina. Order founded in 1633 by Mother Francisca del Espiritu Santo. Known as Dominican Sisters of the Tertiary Order. Order recognized by King in 1716. Authorized to offer teacher-training courses …
Founded by Diego de Santa Maria, O.P., in 1630. This institution absorbed the school of Juan Geronimo Guerrero in 1638. In 1648, after its building had been detroyed by the earthquake of 1645. The College was removed to the Parian, on which site i…
Polish pioneer, Indian trader, settled along Schuylkill River in this area, 1712. He served the Provincial government as a messenger-interpreter during negotiations with Indian tribes in 1728. He was buried, 1736, in graveyard of St. Gabriel's Chu…