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When Maryland's first Settlers arrived in 1634 they expected to encounter trouble, both from local American Indians and from rival English Colonists across the Potomac River in Virginia.
To assure a place of safety they built a fort at St. Mary's…
The St. Mary's Chapel, built about 1667, was Maryland's first major brick building. The structure was built in the form of a cross, 55 feet long and 57 feet wide at the arms of the cross. In frontier Maryland, where most settlers lived in humble w…
This building is a reconstruction of the colony of Maryland's State House finished in 1676.
The original brick State House was located just north of here on a bluff that is now the cemetery of Trinity Episcopal Church. In that building the Maryla…
This ancient corner of St. Mary's City includes lands held by St. Mary's Parish (Trinity Episcopal Church), and the Historic St. Mary's City Commission. They have a long intertwined history.
After Maryland's capital was moved to Annapolis in 1695…
On Saturday, June 23, 1984
The Honorable Harry Hughes,
Governor of Maryland
His Royal Highness,
Edward, Duke of Kent
dedicated this place, site of our State's first Settlement and first Capital to the memory of the first colonists who c…
In Memory of
Thomas Harris
Who with his Wife, Anne,
Settled on Grant called Land of Harris
In Charles Co. MD, Aug, 30, 1650
Founder of the
Harris Family of Southern Maryland
Some of Whom Served the State
with Distinction in
Military and C…
On May 10, 1692, Maryland's new governor, Sir Lionel Copley, met with the colony's legislature for the first time. This meeting marked the beginning of royal control of Maryland and it occurred at Garrett Van Sweringen's Council Chamber. The scene…
This area demonstrates that there are many layers of the past at St. Mary's City. Artifacts have come out of the ground here from a span of nearly nine thousand years, starting with prehistoric Native American sites and continuing through recent t…
The first road built by the colonists in Maryland. It led from "St. Marys" to "Mattapany" on the Patuxent River. Referred to in 1639 as the "Mattapany Path."
Pro Deo. Pro Patria. This tablet erected in honor of Hon. Albert C. Ritchie, Governor of Maryland, members of the General Assembly 1924 and other public spirited citizens in recognition of their co-operation in restoring this historic institution …