You searched for Postal Code: 20770
Showing results 1 to 10 of 22
Greenbelt Museum. . The Greenbelt Museum house opened October 10, 1987 as part of the City of Greenbelt's 50th anniversary celebration. At approximately 836 square feet, this particular unit is one of the smallest of the original homes. The Friend…
Gladys Noon Spellman Trail and Overpass. . This trail and overpass are dedicated to Gladys Noon Spellman in recognition of 18 years of public service to the citizens of Greenbelt as Member of Congress for the Fifth Congressional District of Maryla…
This is a place of contrast. Once this land was covered with virgin forest, then it was farmland, and then a proposed housing development. Now it is an alluring refuge within an ever-growing sea of development. Here you can find wilderness, wildli…
This is a place of contrast. Once this land was covered with virgin forest, then it was farmland, and then a proposed housing development. Now it is an alluring refuge within an ever-growing sea of development. Here you can find wilderness, wildli…
The City of Greenbelt was conceived, built, and for a long time owned by the Federal government. Greenbelt was one of three "green cities" built during the Great Depression. The theory of "green cities" was revolutionary: each would be a carefully…
Sounds of battle could be heard here from Bladensburg, six miles away, on August 24, 1814. Victorious British troops then moved into Washington, D.C. The sky was already aglow above the city; Americans has torched the Washington Navy Yard to keep …
The City of Greenbelt was conceived, built, and for a long time owned by the Federal government. Greenbelt was one of three "green cities" built during the Great Depression. The theory of "green cities" was revolutionary: each would be a carefully…
This is a place of contrast. Once this land was covered with virgin forest, then it was farmland, and then a proposed housing development. Now it is an alluring refuge within an ever-growing sea of development. Here you can find wilderness, wildli…
Greenbelt Park's streams and wetlands vividly demonstrate that what goes on outside the boundary of a park can have a profound effect on the park itself. Streambeds within the park are deeply scoured and eroded. The water that courses through them…
Greenbelt was the first of three planned garden towns built and owned by the U.S. Government during the Administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. It was a "new deal" experiment in community planning, of note to urban planners throughout t…