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Sustaining Courage for Exploration
In December 1607 John Smith set out from Jamestown to continue his exploration of the Chickahominy River, which had begun with a series of trading voyages in November. He visited towns upriver fr…
A mile and a half south of here on the Chickahominy River stood Moysonec, an Indian village. Some of the Chickahominy Indians residing there captured Captain John Smith in 1607. In the wake of the 1644 Indian uprising, the colonists sought to cont…
Liberty Church was organized in 1830 with 25 members led by Elder Thomas S. Morris. In 1845, the Southern Baptist Convention appointed Samuel Cornelius Clopton, son of the second pastor, Elder James Clopton, as its first missionary. The third past…
After a detachment of the Marquis de Lafayette's army defeated Maj. John G. Simcoe's cavalry at Spencer's Ordinary near Williamsburg on 26 June 1781, Lafayette shadowed the British army encamped at the colonial capital. He made his headquarters ju…
Half a mile north on Diascund Creek stood Cooper's Mill. On 23-24 June 1781, the British army commanded by Gen. Charles Cornwallis seized supplies there while en route to its camp at Williamsburg and Maj. John G. Simcoe's Rangers burned the bridge…
As part of British Maj. Gen. William Phillips Apr. 1781 campaign in Virginia by the 21st he sent Lt. Col. Robert Abercrombie's Light Infantry from Barrett's Ferry, where it enters the James River, to destroy the state's naval docks, ships, warehou…
Established in 1654 from York and named for County Kent, England. In it are Chestnut Grove, Birthplace of Martha (Dandridge) Custis; White House, home of Martha Custis; Poplar Grove, where Martha Custis met George Washington; St. Peter's church, w…