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Showing results 1 to 10 of 13
This stone
marks the Battlefield of
Great Bridge
Dec 9 1775
This monument
was moved to this location
December 9, 1964
on the 189th anniversary of
The Battle of Great Bridge.
The site of
the battle was approximately
In 1906, Norfolk County built a four room brick school house, "The Great Bridge School", to educate elementary and high school students. Graduating its first class in 1911, the name was changed to Great Bridge High and Grammar School in …
This memorial is the first and only memorial of its kind in the Commonwealth of Virginia dedicated to honor Afro-Union patriot heroes. It is located in the northeast section of the Sgt. March Corprew Family Memorial Cemetery.
Sgt. March Corprew…
The Thomas Marshall family lived in the backwoods of the Virginia frontier.
Thomas Marshall of Fauquier County served as a vestryman, High Sheriff, and member of the House of Burgesses. He was a close boyhood friend of George Washington, who he…
Fauquier County, VirginiaOfficers of the Culpeper Minute BattalionAt the Battle of Great Bridge
Major Thomas Marshall (1730-1802)Member, 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Virginia ConventionsColonel, 3rd Virginia RegimentColonel, Virginia Sate Artillery Regi…
Site ofSouthern Branch ChapelA Chapel of ease of the Anglican Churchfor theElizabeth River Parish 1701 - 1761St. Brides Parish 1761 - 1845
Encampment area for American PatriotsBattle of Great BridgeDecember 1775
First land battle for the Ame…
Nearby were the homes of three Afro-Virginians who served in the United States Colored Troops (USCT) during the Civil War. Sgt. March Corprew, Co. I, 2nd USCT Cavalry, and his brother Pvt. Daniel Corprew, Co. D, 1st USCT Cavalry, lived on a planta…
Thirteen African American veterans of the Civil War are interred nearby at the Cuffeytown Historic Cemetery. They served in the 5th, 10th, and 36th United States Colored Troops infantry regiments organized in 1863 and 1864, after the Emancipation …
At this point stood St. Bride's Church. The parish church of St. Bride's Parish which was established in 1761. The church, sometimes known as Northwest Church, was built in 1762 and survived until 1853.
This is the former site of the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church. The monument to the "Jackson Greys" honors the regiment that was formed on the grounds of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church by Capt. (later Lieutenant Colonel) William H. Stewart who lived …