Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: 24941

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William J. Humphreys. Nearby noted meteorological physicist born 2/3/8162; died 11/10/1949. John Hopkins U. Ph.D., 1897; Director Mt. Weather Observatory 1905; famous for 1909 research on stratosphere; retired, Weather Service, 1935. Winds of Pete…
Colonel Rowan was born here, April 23, 1857; graduated from West Point, 1881. Famed for securing vital information from Garcia, rebel leader of Cuba, during the War with Spain, 1898. For this exploit, he was given the D.C.S. Died, Jan 11, 1943.
At this point atop the Alleghenies is the geographical feature known as the Great Eastern Divide, a natural barrier from which water flows to the Atlantic Ocean by way of the Jackson and James rivers and to the Gulf of Mexico via the Greebrier, Ne…
(front)Ann Royall Ann Royall, America's first woman journalist, lived here. Widowed at 50, she became an author and prominent figure in national political life. In her newspaper, "Paul Pry," at Washington, she set the style for modern columnist…
Established as a home for the aged by act of the Legislature in 1945. Named for Andrew Summers Rowan, carrier of the "message to Garcia". The oldest building, erected in 1833, is of Thomas Jefferson design and named in his honor.
Near here is grave of John Floyd, 1783-1837. Governor of Virginia, 1830-1834; champion of the Oregon Country and of States' Rights; leader in the formation of the Whig Party; bitter foe of administration of President Andrew Jackson.
Born, Jefferson County, Kentucky,April 24, 1783 a distinguished sonof the American frontier, he servedhis nation as a soldier, physician,and legislator. Following serviceas an officer in the Virginia Militia,and as a surgeon in the War of 1812,he …