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On Smoke Hole Knob (300 yards west), overlooking this site, is Smoke Hole Cave with its circular chamber, forty feet high and fifteen feet in diameter, resembling an inverted hornet's nest, tapering to a natural chimney or "smoke hole." …
Built about 1850 as Methodist Episcopal Meeting House and known as Palestine Church. First trustees: Alfred Kimble, Jacob L. Kimble, J.H. Lantz, Abraham Kile, and Isaac Ault. Bought by Espiscopal Church, 1831; rededicated 1966.
Smoke Hole, a rugged canyon formed by the
South Branch of the Potomac River, extends
eighteen miles south to U.S. 220. Early explorers
reported that heavy mists rising from the canyon
looked like smoke coming from a deep hole.
The canyon cont…
The Smoke Hole, a rugged canyon of 1421 feet elevation, made by the South Branch of he Potomac River, extends eighteen miles to the junction with the North Fork. In Coeymans Limestone of Devonian Age, the river has carved out various formations an…
Named for William Eagle, a Revolutionary War soldier who lived nearby. Enlisting at age fifteen, 12-24-1776, he served in the 3rd, 4th, 8th, and 12th Va. Rgts., Continental Line, at Valley Forge and Yorktown. Died, 1848, and is buried here.
Site of Fort Upper Tract, one of the forts erected under Washington's orders to guard the settlements. In 1758, Indians captured and burned it. Captain James Dunlap and 21 others were killed. No one escaped.
Oldest log church building in Pendleton Co. Built in 1848 of hewn white pine logs cut nearby. Served as Methodist Episcopal Church until 1910 when abandoned. Used as community center since rededication in 1936.