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On 29 September 1877 William Brown donated one acre of land at the intersection of Paces Ferry and Mount Paran Roads for the purpose of establishing and building a church. Pleasant Hill Methodist Church was first served by circuit rider ministers,…
300 yds. downstream stood the structures of Moore's Mill ~ a sash-sawmill &, lower down, a gristmill connected by a flume with the dam which impounded the waters of Peachtree and Woodall creeks: the ford was below the dam.
Thomas Moore (1828-19…
July 19, 1864. Morgan's brigade (Davis' div.), 14th A.C., was posted on the rt. of Dilworth's brigade to support his crossing of Peachtree Creek at junction with Green Bone Cr. Morgan faced destructive fire from Confederate forces on the high bluf…
July 19, 1864. Geary's Div. 20th A.C. [US] camped the previous night on Paces Fy. Rd. (at Arden). Moving S.W. on the ridge E. of Green Bone Cr., by a road more or less identical with Arden, Geary's intonation was to cross Peachtree Cr. at Howell's…
July 17. 1864. Wood's 4th A.C. div. moved S. to this point from Power's Fy. (3 mi. N.) to cover the crossing of Palmer's 14th A.C. Hooker's 20th, followed the 14th on the 2 pontoon bridges at the site of old Pace's Ferry, a short distance above th…
Brig. Gen. Milo Hascall's (2d) div., 23d A. C., having crossed the Chattahoochee River at Isom's Ferry (mouth of Soap Cr.), July 8, 1864, reached this point, evening July 17. This date marked the initial Federal moves upon Atlanta.
Hascall's ma…
July 18, 1864. Howard's 4th A.C. left Crossroads Ch 4:30 A.M., Newton's div leading, followed by Stanley's & Wood's. Just below Mt. Paran Rd. Newton's column was assailed by Williams' Kentucky Brigade of Wheeler's cav., which opposed the Federals …
These troops [US], having crossed the river at & near Power's Ferry July 12, 13, 1864, occupied an intrenched line on this ridge facing S.E. until the 18th ~ the rt. resting on the river, the left near Crossroads Church. Stanley's & Newton's men b…
July 18, 1864. The 14th A.C., which was posted on extreme rt. of the Cumberland Army, left camp at Mt. Paran Rd., crossed Nancy Creek & moved S. on Howell Mill Rd. to Peachtree Cr. Mitchell brigade of Davis? div. covered the Ridgewood Rd. area bet…
The rt. wing of the Army of the Cumberland, 14th and 20th A.C., was also the rt. of Sherman forces moving on Atlanta from N. & E.
The 14th and 20th, having crossed the river at Pace Fy., July 27, 1864, moved E. to this intersection with Mt. Par…