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Erected A.D.1807,
and liberally endowed by
Francis Meson.
Deceased on
the 8th of September, 1806.
1806 —— 1897.
Meson Academy
Dr. W. Z. Faust,
Wm. Gottheimer,
Sect. & Treas.
Hamilton McWhorter,
Geo. C…
Dedicated to those who served
Oglethorpe Veterans
Lest We Forget
Oglethorpe, the fifth county created in Georgia, Dec. 19, 1793 was named for James Edward Oglethorpe, founder and first governor of Georgia.
Born in London, Dec. 22, 1696, Oglethorpe started his early life in Godalming, England. He was a philant…
Francis Meson (1761-1806), an Irishman and "wandering schoolteacher," became a rich merchant in Lexington. He bequeathed $8,000.00 for an academy building and valuable property for an endowment, "the income to be used forever for the benefit of th…
Beth-Salem Presbyterian Church was organized on December 20, 1785, in the wilderness about three miles West of this site, under the leadership of Mr. John Newton, then a licentiate. It was the first of a chain of Presbyterian churches established …
This County created by Act of the Legislature Dec. 19, 1793, is named for Gen. James E. Oglethorpe, founder of Georgia. Born in London, England, Dec. 22, 1696, Oglethorpe left England in Nov. 1732 with 116 settlers and arrived at Yamacraw in Jan. …
George Rockingham Gilmer, of Scotch descent, was born in 1790 in that part of Wilkes Co. that is now Oglethorpe Co. Soon after admittance to the bar in 1813 he was appointed 1st Lt. in the regular army and served with distinction in the Creek Indi…