Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: 31328

Showing results 1 to 10 of 39
"Without going into a detailed history of my life, which would be too long, it will suffice to say to you in the language of an old soldier and of a citizen, that, in coming to America, my sole object has been to devote myself entirely to her welf…
Confederate States of AmericaImmortal Six HundredBrave on the field of battlewith steadfast loyality to country and comrades.They placed honour above life itself. The "13" who died and are buried here . . . crossed over onLt. Iverson L. Burney …
On April 10, 1862, German volunteers of the 46th N. Y. Regiment manned this gun and the one on the right. On that date the guns bore down on Fort Pulaski from one of eleven Federal batteries located on Tybee and McQueens Islands. Following their v…
Thirty-six big guns on Tybee Island, 1 to 1½ miles away, converged their fire on the fort. The bombardment proved that rifled cannon could destroy masonry forts.
Cast at the Tredegar Foundary in Richmond, Virginia, this rifled cannon had an effective range of 5 miles and fired a projectile weighing 64 pounds. Designed by a Confederate Naval Officer, it was considered superior to other rifled guns used duri…
Made by Fawcett, Preston and Company (Liverpool, England), this rifle and the others like it came through the blockade on the British steamship Fingall, November 12, 1861. It fired a projectile weighing 24 pounds and had an effective range of abou…
The Phoenix Iron Works of Philadelphia made this carriage for a Parrott rifle (cannon). The weapon fired a 100 pound projectile 8500 yards. Carriage and gun weighed almost 13,000 pounds. In 1978 this carriage was recovered from a long-lost artille…
By noon, April 11, 1862, shells breached the opposite side of the fort and struck this wall. Inside sat great stores of gunpowder. The fort surrendered two hours later.
Colonel Edward L. Molineaux, 157th N. Y. Volunteers, left a diary describing these casemates. From here, the Quartermaster Department issued bulk supplies to the garrison. During the night of February 25, 1865, seven prisoners, members of the Immo…
The Southwest Bastion held a special type of cannon to protect the fort's entrance. These cannon, known as 24-pounder flank defense howitzers, were aimed at the drawbridge. Today, this area provides a cutaway view of the fort's upper foundations. …