Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: 31904

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Side 1: Alma Thomas, nationally known African-American artist, was the eldest of four daughters born to John Maurice Thomas and Amelia Whitaker Cantey. Highly cultured and socially involved, the Thomas family owned this Victorian home in the Ro…
Side 1: Proposed in 1904 by Carleton B. Gibson, Columbus School Superintendent, the Secondary Industrial School is regarded as the nation's first public coeducational industrial high school. G. Gunby Jordan, then President of the School Board, …
Eugene J. Bullard, 1895 - 1961Bullard grew up in a small shotgun style house near this site. His father, William, was a laborer for the W. C. Bradley Company. Eugene completed the fifth grade at the 28th Street School. Shaken by the death of his m…
Site of the home of William H. Young (1807- 1894), a native of the State of New York who migrated to Georgia at the age of 17. Visiting the site of Columbus a year before the city was established, he made his way through the dense forest to the ba…
Main entrance to site of Camp Conrad, where a brigade of 3,500 troops was stationed in the winter of 1898-99 (Spanish-American War). Camp site occupied space between Third and Sixth Avenues and 29th and 33rd Sts. Brigade was composed of 160th Indi…