You searched for Postal Code: 35055
Showing results 1 to 10 of 23
Dedicated To The Recipients Of The
Nation's Oldest Military Decoration
"The Purple Heart"
Combat Wounded Veterans
Military Order of
the Purple Heart 1782 - 1932
My stone is red for
the blood they shed.
The medal I bear
is my co…
Dedicated in memory
of those from
Cullman County
who gave their lives
in the service
of their country
World War II
Dedicated in memory
of those from
Cullman County
who gave their lives
in the service
of their country
Vietnam War
[Honor Roll]
Dedicated in memory
of those from
Cullman County
who gave their lives
in the service
of their country
World War I
Abercrombie Sam · McCain Rudolphus
Baker George N. · McConnell William
Bates General D. · …
The Nathan Bedford
Forrest Chapter #2410
United Daughters of
the Confederacy
Dedicates this
monument to the
memory of the men
and women who served
their southland in
the cause of the
Confederacy Erec. 1980
K Company 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Division
Last American soldier killed in combat, WWII.
Shot in back of ear, right side, by a Japanese sniper in Guam.
Buried, Punchbowl National Cemetery, Honolulu, Hawaii
They gave their
tomorrows for our todays
on behalf of
a grateful nation
we remember
Smith, Jonathan L.
Nelson, Travis
Fales, Adam
Joshua, Adam Bailey
Norris, Paul B.
Ellenburg, Kevin J.
Dedicated in memory
of those from
Cullman County
who gave their lives
in the service
of their country
Korean War
Aubrey G. Adams · John Mayfield
A. P. Alvis · Leo A. Ponder
Leo D. Andrews · Norman Rivers
This monument is dedicated
to the brave men of the
Confederacy, who gave
their lives and livelihood
for the noble cause. Mere
words on a stone are
little tribute to the
measure they gave. But
we do this so that future
generations will…
The Cullman County native was the first
man drafted in America for World War I. His
Selective Service number 258, was the first
one drawn in the U.S. Senate Building in
Washington D.C. on July 20, 1917. 10,500 men
were drafted that day. H…