Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: 36526

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The Eastern Shore Trail is a 24-mile pedestrian/bike trail from US Hwy 98 at Gator Alley in Daphne to Weeks Bay on Scenic Hwy 98. Teko Wiseman, founder of the Baldwin County Trailblazers-the organization responsible for the trail's development-env…
Patriot's Point Memorial This Memorial is Dedicated to All the Brave Men and Women Who Proudly Served in the United States Armed Forces Protecting Freedom Around the World
  Standing on a low limb of a giant oak tree near here, General Andrew Jackson made a pep talk to his troops, fresh from their victory at the Battle of Horse Shoe Bend and poised before advancing on the British and Spanish at Pensacola, and the B…
On April 15, 1867, Major Lewis Starke deeded these two acres to four of his ex-slaves and their heirs as trustees for this church: Nimrod Lovett, Stamford Starlin (now Sterling), Narcis Elwa, and Benjamin Franklin. In this cemetery is buried Ru…
The City of Daphne was incorporated July 8, 1927 with a population of 500. its history, however, dates to a much earlier period. Research and artifacts show that Tensaw, Alabama, Choctaw, Creeks, and Seminole Indians all lived in the this area pri…