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This is to certify thatThe Jack Daniel Distilleryhas been entered on theNational Register of Historic Placesby the U.S. Department of the Interior.
The National Register is a list of properties "significant in American History, Architecture, Ar…
About 100 yds east is this cemetery, on land donated by William Stark Smith, a veteran of the Revolution who had been wounded at Brandywine and received a grant hereabouts for his services. Pioneers buried here include John Motlow (1757-1812), who…
One mile south, on south side of East Branch of Mulberry Creek, David Crockett built a log house in which he lived from 1811 to 1813. While here he hunted, and cleared a field three miles northwest on "Hungry Hill." When bears and other game becam…
Moore County was created by an Act of the Tennessee legislature December 1871, and was named in honor of Gen. William Moore. Born in Kentucky in 1786, he settled on Mulberry Creek circa 1806. Captain in the War of 1812 and the Creek Indian Wars, a…