You searched for Postal Code: 39823
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Formal education began in 1897 on land from J.C. Hudspeth and Mrs. Elizabeth Freeman. A petition in 1924 halted a new school at Waters Ford. In 1925 a spacious masonary school opened one mile west of this marker for students from Freeman, Hilton, …
A large Indian mound complex built about A.D. 200-600 is the centerpiece of Kolomoki Mounds State Park. The largest mound is 325 feet long, 200 feet wide and 57 feet high. This ceremonial area was at the eastern end of a large cleared ceremonial a…
This road, called "Three Notch Trail" from early days, is believed to have been marked with three notches by scouts sent out by General Andrew Jackson's troops on their march to Fort Scott. Most of his troops passed this way en route to fight the …
One of the important pioneer ways, this road, called "Three Notch Trail" from early days, is believed to have been marked by scouts sent out by General Andrew Jackson to mark the route followed by Jackson's men to Fort Scott on their way to fight …
The covered bridge over Coheelee Creek, two miles north on the Old River Road, was ordered built by the Early County Board of Commissioners in 1883. It was erected by J. M. Baughman. Commissioners were J. S. Moseley, W. C. Sheffield, H. C. Fryer, …
You are at the edge of one of the largest and most important mound groups in the southeastern United States. Most of this complex of mounds was constructed about A. D. 200-600. Archaeologists call this period the Middle Woodland Period and the par…
The Hilton Methodist Episcopal Church, South was organized in 1850. The first church was erected one mile southwest of Hilton on the Lower River Road. This structure was sold after the Civil War and services were then conducted in an arbor. E. Hil…
The school was established prior to 1879 and consolidated with Hilton School in 1925. It served as a Free Will Baptist Bible School for young ministers from 1930-1942. Reverend T. B. Mellette was the instructor and Reverend K. V. Shutes was presid…
Early County, an original county, was created by Act of Dec. 15, 1818, from Creek Cession of Aug. 9, 1814. At first it contained Decatur, Seminole, Baker, Mitchell, Calhoun, Miller, Dougherty and parts of Clay, Grady, and Thomas Counties. It was n…
This flag pole from which the Stars and Bars [CS] proudly flew is the last original Confederate flag staff still standing in Georgia.
The stalwart pole was hewn from a long leaf pine tree that grew one mile southwest of this city in Early count…