Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: 41005

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Side A James and Martha Macomb Dinsmore moved from La. to raise their three daughters here. Completed in1842, the main house served as the center of a typical large, antebellum Boone Co. farm. tenants and slaves raised grains, grapes, sh…
In memory of all the slaves in Boone County, those who helped them, and the slaves' descendants who remember & honor them and their legacy. Dedicated 21 March, 2005 by the Problem Solving Team, a diverse group of students, grades five throug…
Side A Rabbit Hash Kentucky circa 1813 Ohio River Mile 506.1 below Pittsburg one of only a few remaining early 19th century towns along the 981- mile course of the Ohio River. The Rabbit Hash National Registry encompasses 33 acres of this…