You searched for Postal Code: 41031
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Oldest house in Cynthiana, built 1790. Young Henry Clay practiced law here, 1806. In 1817, city's first newspaper, the Guardian of Liberty was printed by Adam Keenan, assisted by H. H. Kavanaugh, later a noted Bishop, and Dudley Mann, who became a…
Settled by John Hinkston 1775. Abandoned 1776. Rebuilt by Isaac Ruddle 1779. Destroyed by British and Indians under Captain Henry Bird 1780. Hinkston later settled opposite this site.
DD43, 1913-1935DD372, 1935-1947
This bell is dedicated to all those killed in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Dec. 7, 1941.USS Cassin, DD43, was torpedoed in WWI.USS Cassin, DD372, was bombed and burned at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on …
For Colonel Benjamin Harrison, who came to area, 1776. Served as Col. in Revolution from Penn. He was a member, 1787 and 1788 Kentucky Conventions, 1792 Constitutional Convention at Danville. Elected to Kentucky Legislature in 1793. County formed …
Only burial ground in Cynthiana from 1793 to 1868. Located on four acres deeded to the city by Robert Harrison, owner of land on which Cynthiana founded. Samuel January, first Mayor, and other prominent early citizens buried here. First school in …
Dr. James A. Henshall, 1836-1925, author Book of the Black Bass and others, brought fame to Kentucky's South Licking, Elkhorn, and Stoner streams. He came here to practice medicine. During Civil War healed wounds for men in Blue and Gray. Left, re…
(Front):1st Battle of CynthianaDuring CSA Col. John H. Morgan's 1st KY Raid, on July 17, 1862, 875 CSA hit town via the Georgetown Pike. 350 US troops & Home Guard defended town from houses. Morgan attacked across Licking River and outflanked US t…