Historical Marker Search

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For Gen. Richard Butler, b. 1743, Ireland. Came to America, 1760. Officer during Revolutionary War. Indian agent, 1784; Supt. Indian Affairs for Northern Dist., 1785. With Geo. Rogers Clark negotiated Indian treaty, 1786. As Maj. Gen., second in c…
Maurice Hudson Thatcher (1870-1973) Born in Chicago, Il., he moved to Butler Co. in 1874 & was educated in public and private schools here. After serving as Butler Co. Circuit Court Clerk (1893-96) he studied law and was admitted to the bar in …
Born Jan. 27, 1867, two miles NE of here. Educated in local schools. B. A. from National Normal Univ., Ohio. He taught school for 6 years. Studied in Germany and earned a Ph.D. from Yale in 1895. Began ministry in Methodist Episcopal South. Managi…
Hamilton, a leader of one of most incredible prison escapes of the Civil War, was born in Pa., Jan. 9, 1835. A Woodbury resident before the war, he joined Co. A of the 12th Ky. (Union) Cavalry, Aug. 12, 1862. Captured at Jonesboro, Tn., Aug. 1863;…
First Union soldier killed in west Kentucky while skirmishing on the Big Hill with CSA scouting party Oct. 29, 1861. A stone monument erected, 1894, by Granville Allen, Post 98, G.A.R., marks the place. Member of Co. D, 17th Kentucky Inf., enrolle…
William S. Taylor (1853-1928) This Republican governor from Butler Co. was declared winner over William Goebel and inaugurated Dec. 12, 1899. When Democrats contested the election, controversy and extreme bitterness led to Sen. Goebel's being s…
Morgantown The county seat of Butler Co., it was originally called Funkhouser Hill. It was renamed Morgan Town in Dec. 1810 to honor Revolutionary War officer Daniel Morgan and was incorporated in 1813. It began as a settlement of Revolutionar…
Capt. Thomas Henry Hines enlisted in the Confederate Army, 1861. With Brig. Gen. John H. Morgan, 1862-63. Captured, July '63, in Ohio with Morgan. Led escape from Federal prison, Nov. '63. Leader of northwest conspiracy '64. Termed most dangerous …
Front Settled ca. 1800 by Rev. War veterans Thos. Carson, John Helm, & Matthew Kuykendall who received land grants for their service. These founders of Butler County served as first county surveyor, presiding justice of county court, and first …