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Showing results 1 to 10 of 14
Schoenbrunn Schoolhouse 1772In December 1772, Brother David Zeisberger and his followers began the construction of Schoenbrunn schoolhouse. The school was built in the Tuscarawas Valley on land given to Zeisberger in the spring of 1771 by the Dela…
In memory of the men and women of Tuscarawas County who served their country in the World War
For 17 yearsChairman of "First Town Days Festival""Al Maloney Midway"Dedicated: July 1, 1999For any organization to survive and prosper, there must be a strong driving force within the organization. That force must contain just the right combinati…
Dedicated in the memory of C. William "Bill" Kidd14 Years New PhiladelphiaFootball Record - 82 wins - 48 loses [sic] - 8 tiesBill Kidd was one of the finest high school coaches in America. The players who played for him remember him with great res…
Erected to mybrave and gallantcomradesof TuscarawasCountywho fell in defenceof our gloriousUnion,by a member ofthe 51st Ohio Vols.1861 - 1865.
ErectedMay 19, 1887
United States of AmericaCongressional Medal of Honor RecipientsState of Ohio, Tuscarawas County
Civil WarArchinal, William J.??? ????Corporal ???Mississippi 1863Blickensderfer, Milton A. ?? Sergeant ?? ?Virginia 1865Campbell, William ??? ????Co…
"To those who survived, we are grateful and welcome you home.""To those who still suffer, either in mind or body, we acknowledge it and appreciate what you've done for us and we will not forget.""For those who are missing, we will not give up hope…
In recognition of the patriotism of the people of Tuscarawas County who so generously purchased War Saving Stamps in 1918 this tablet is gratefully erected by the Ohio War Savings Committee
A tribute to the living and dead of Tuscarawas County who served in World War II and the Korean Conflict.
We believe in God, our country, liberty and the American way.The citizens of Tuscarawas County pay tribute to all the brave men and women of our armed forces who served our country in times of peace and war. We take pride in your devotion and it w…