You searched for Postal Code: 44902
Showing results 1 to 10 of 19
The killing of local shopkeeper Levi Jones stirred rumors of an
impending Indian attack. Mansfield's settlers needed help.
On the evening of August 9. 1813, Johnny Appleseed is believed
to have embarked from here on a daring overnight journey t…
John "Appleseed" Chapman is considered one of Richland County's
original pioneers. In the summer of 1809. Chapman arrived in the
Mansfield area just as Mansfield's first town lots were being
offered for sale. Chapman purchased town lo…
The killing of local shopkeeper, Levi Jones stirred rumors of an impending Indian attack. Mansfiel's settlers needs gekp. On the evening of August 9, 1813, Johnny Appleseed is believed to have embarked from here on a daring overnight journey to th…
In memory of Richland County's devoted sons and daughters who rendered valiant service to their country and civilization in the Great World War, 1917-1918.November 11, 1922
On April 27, 1865 the Sultana, a 260 foot, wooden-hulled, steamboat exploded, burned, and sank on the Mississippi River near Memphis, Tennessee. Approximately 2400 people were on board, six times the ship's legal limit. More than 1700 lives were l…
Erected 1888In memory ofthe Soldiers-Sailors and the Marines of all wars
First Board of TrusteesEckles McCoy · Huntington Brown · Abraham G. Cummins · James H. Herring · Norman M. Wolfe
Appointed by Manuel May Jud…
In memory ofCommanderEdward Parker WoodUnited States Navywho commanded the U.S.S. Petrelat the Battle of Manila BayMay 1, 1898.Born in Mansfield August 16, 1848Died in Washington December 11, 1899
Donated by David and Jane Vasbinder to the City of Mansfield on July 4, 1881, and served as the focal point of Central Park until December 17, 1958. Restored and relocated back into Central Park on July 4, 1979. The restoration of the Vasbinder Fo…
In Memory OfAllen J. (A.J.) VandayburgSpecialist, US ArmyAug. 26, 1983-April 9, 2004Killed In ActionOperation Iraqi Freedom2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Div.Freedom Isn't Free
Dedicated to the men and women of Richland County who served our country in time of war, and in memory of those who lost their lives.
Presented to the Citizens of Richland County as a Bicentennial Event
Lest We Forget America's WarsAmerican …