You searched for Postal Code: 49858
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This property has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places by the United States Department of the Interior
tablet marks the
Bay de Nocquet
of the Menominee
and other Indian tribes
U.S. Mail runners
and earliest fur traders
also Indian cemetery
Stanislaus Chaput, a French-Canadian fur trader sometimes called Louis Chappee, became the first settler at the mouth of the Menominee River in the early 1800s. He fought, along with most of the Green Bay traders, in the British attack on Fort Mac…
(Side 1:)
French-Canadian voyager Louis Chaput (Chappee) came here during the late 1790s. Chaput, an agent for the American Fur Company, was the first white settler in Menominee, which was named for the Menominee Indians who inhabite…
This was the home of the Menominee Indians. Nicolet, the French explorer, visited them in 1634 on his futile search for Cathay. Conflict over fishing rights brought on the Sturgeon War here between the Menominee and Chippewa tribes. During the 170…