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One of the most colorful incidents in the violent history of the American West during the late 1800s, the Lincoln County War in New Mexico involved a Boaz man named Richard M. Brewer. Born February 19, 1850, "Dick" Brewer came to Richland County w…
During the Black Hawk War of 1832, Black Hawk's band and the pursuing military ventured into this unknown terrain of steep ridges and valleys. Following nearby Mill Creek, some of the band headed over these rugged hills known as the Ocooch Mountai…
This plaque marks the starting point of the Wisconsin Purple Heart Memorial Highway.
In 1994 Wisconsin's Governor Tommy G. Thompson signed into Law Wisconsin Act 347, which designated U.S. Highway 14 west from Richland Center to the Wisconsin S…
Early explorers of the driftless area noted this "small, isolated vertical rock." The first settlers removed the easily available rubble for building foundations and chimneys. Soon horses and buggies cut between the rocks and established the roadw…
This farm was the first in Wisconsin to obtain central station electric power from a rural electric cooperative. The farm home was constructed and wired for electric service by James Hanold in 1917. The Richland Cooperative Electric Association, i…
In 1897, after a severe rainstorm in Richland County, farm boys Chris, Harry, Clyde and Verne Dosch found large bones sticking out of an eroded bank on a tributary of Mill Creek near Boaz. The bones were later identified as those of the extinct Am…
This park was dedicated by A · H · Krouskop · Oct?8?1925 · to the public for its pleasure and recreation ~
Born July 13 · 1840 at Bellefontaine · Ohio ?? Moved to Richland County · 1851 · …
Born in Richland Center, Ada James was an important suffrage leader, campaigning throughout Wisconsin in support of women's right to vote. In 1919, James mobilized her father, a state legislator, to deliver Wisconsin's ratification papers to Washi…
General Telephone & Electronics Corporation, among the world's largest businesses and a leader in telecommunications, is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut but was born in Richland Center.
Officially founded in 1918 when John F. O'Connell a…
The dedication of this propertyfor park purposes is the fulfillment ofWilliam Francis Pier's desire to preservethe beauty of this natural rock bridgeas a lasting memorial to his fatherWilliam Henry PierErected byThe State Highway Commission of Wis…