You searched for Postal Code: 54768
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
"May Their SacrificeNever Be Forgotten"
American LegionVictory Post 112
Dedicated on Memorial DayMay 31, 2010
This property has beenplaced on theNational Registerof Historic Placesby the United StatesDepartment of the Interior
Before there were numbered highways in the United States there were names attached to roads to help motorists navigate from town to town or from county to county. In 1912 no one thought in terms of an inter-state highway. However, a small band of …
A 1928 act of Congress made obsolete World War I weapons available to municipalities and veteran's organizations for commemorative purposes. The Stanley American Legion Post requested this 5-inch bore artillery piece and it was dedicated on Memori…
Site of The Worden Churchof the BrethrenErected in 1904Destroyed by tornado in 1958Dedicated Sept. 28, 1975by members and friends