You searched for Postal Code: 54941
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The Native Americans who occupied this land 10,000 years before the arrival of European settlers referred to this magnificent body of water as Daycholah. From lookouts like this, Native Americans viewed the lake and paid homage to "the spirit who …
Chapel Car "Grace" was one of seven such cars operated by the American Baptist Publication Society from 1891 to 1948. The car was commissioned in May 1915. Its first assignment was in Northern California. Its last work in Orem, Utah. The car was r…
"No Hurry" was built for Victor and Jesse Lawson by Electric Launch Company of Bayonne, New Jersey in 1909. The 55 foot boat is made of cypress, white oak and mahogany and was powered by two electric motors and 140 batteries. The Lawsons built the…
In memory of those who made the supreme sacrifice in World War II
Robert L. MillerPaul A. PagelDavid A. BartonCharles H. ThrasherMarvin E. BiermanMyron T. King
On this site in 1845 Anson Dart built the first dam and sawmill, raising the level of Green Lake and forming the Millpond and Dartford Bay.
In 1850, John Sherwood opened a new outlet from the pond with a mill race and built a 4-story grist mill…