You searched for Postal Code: 57501
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This American Flag
is flown to honor American Veterans of All Wars and in memory of
Walter H. Burke,
a Past State Commander (1927-1938) and Past Post Commander (1927-1928)
of the Pierre Post No. 8, Department of South Dakota, of the American L…
The first and only hanging in Hughes County was April 18, 1885 when James H. Bell, who killed Forest G. Small with a hatchet on Dec. 4th, 1884, was hanged to a ladder leaned against the county flag pole here after a mob took him from the county ja…
Charles L. Hyde devoted much time and energy to promoting the young town of Pierre. A true believer in the city, Hyde built five of the seven buildings in Pierre's historic commercial district along upper Pierre Street. The St. Charles Hotel was h…
Pierre Was a Cowtown (marker side 1)
Yes sir, Mister, Pierre was a cowtown. Why they built the sidewalks two feet off the ground to keep the cows from spattering 'em up. The stockyards ran longside the river for half a mile and three ferries were…
Born in Canada, John Sutherland taught school in Wisconsin and received his law degree from Brown University. He came to Dakota Territory in 1884. The young Scottish attorney led Pierre's campaign committee to resounding victories in the "cap…
Lewis and Clark and their men then spent September 21-29, 1804, in this area. Private John Colter camped and hunted on what is known today as Farm Island. Captain Clark dubbed La Framboise Island "Good Humored Island" as he and Captain Lewis were …
The Lewis and Clark Expedition, officially the Corps of Discovery, was in what is now South Dakota from August 21 to October 14, 1804 and from August 21 to September 4, 1806.
While here they would make numerous discoveries of animals, plants, bi…
A one-room 14'x20' wooden building on the east side of Coteau Street served as Pierre's first schoolhouse.
Eighteen students attended in 1881, closing when the public school opened in October of that same year. The little building was moved to v…
An Aricara lookout surprised by a Sioux War party and badly wounded, took flight to warn his kinsmen. He ran about one-half mile and keeled over dead. The Sioux, admiring his bravery, placed a rock for each drop of his blood and a cairn where he d…
Effigies are patterns on the land made by the careful placement of stones. There are over one hundred effigies in South Dakota. Created by American Indians, little is understood about the effigies. Archaeologists believe some mark significant plac…